Wednesday 13 August 2014


Android accustomed a blood-warm acknowledgment if it was apparent in 2007. Although analysts were afflicted with the admired technology companies that had partnered with Google to anatomy the Open Handset Alliance, it was cryptic whether adaptable buzz manufacturers would be accommodating to alter their absolute operating systems with Android.[188] The abstraction of an open-source, Linux-based development belvedere sparked interest,[189] but there were added worries about Android adverse able antagonism from accustomed players in the smartphone market, such as Nokia and Microsoft, and battling Linux adaptable operating systems that were in development.[190] These accustomed players were skeptical: Nokia was quoted as adage "we don't see this as a threat,"[191] and a affiliate of Microsoft's Windows Adaptable aggregation declared "I don't accept the appulse that they are traveling to have."[191]

Since again Android has developed to become the a lot of broadly acclimated smartphone operating system[23] and "one of the fastest adaptable adventures available."[192] Reviewers accept accent the open-source attributes of the operating arrangement as one of its defining strengths, acceptance companies such as Microsoft (Nokia X family),[193][194] Amazon (Kindle Fire), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Ouya, Baidu and others to angle the software and absolution accouterments active their own customised adaptation of Android. As a result, it has been declared by technology website Ars Technica as "practically the absence operating arrangement for ablution new hardware" for companies after their own adaptable platforms.[23] This artlessness and adaptability is aswell present at the akin of the end user: Android allows all-encompassing customisation of accessories by their owners and apps are advisedly accessible from non-Google app food and third affair websites. These accept been cited as a allotment of the capital advantages of Android phones over others.[23][195]

Despite Android's popularity, including an activation amount three times that of iOS, there accept been letters that Google has not been able to advantage their added articles and web casework auspiciously to about-face Android into the money maker that analysts had expected.[196] The Verge appropriate that Google is accident ascendancy of Android due to the all-encompassing customization and admeasurement of non-Google apps and services—Amazon's Kindle Fire band uses Fire OS, a heavily adapted angle of Android which does not cover or abutment any of Google's proprietary components, and requires that users admission software from its aggressive Amazon Appstore instead of Play Store.[3] Google SVP Andy Rubin, who was replaced as arch of the Android analysis in March 2013, has been abhorrent for crumbling to authorize a advantageous affiliation with corpuscle buzz makers. The arch almsman of Android has been Samsung, whose Galaxy cast has surpassed that of Android in agreement of cast acceptance back 2011.[197][198] Meanwhile added Android manufacturers accept struggled back 2011, such as LG, HTC, and Google's own Motorola Mobility (whose affiliation with Verizon Wireless to advance the "DROID" cast has achromatic back 2010). In 2014, in an accomplishment to advance bulge of the Android brand, Google began to crave that accessories featuring its proprietary apparatus affectation an Android logo on the cossack screen.[62]

Android has suffered from "fragmentation",[199] a bearings area the array of Android devices, in agreement of both accouterments variations and differences in the software active on them, makes the assignment of developing applications that plan consistently beyond the ecosystem harder than battling platforms such as iOS area accouterments and software varies less. For example, according to abstracts from OpenSignal in July 2013, there were 11,868 models of Android device, abundant altered awning sizes and eight Android OS versions accompanying in use, while the ample majority of iOS users accept upgraded to the latest abundance of that OS.[200] Critics such as Apple Insider accept asserted that breach via accouterments and software pushed Android's advance through ample volumes of low end, budget-priced accessories active earlier versions of Android. They advance this armament Android developers to address for the "lowest accepted denominator" to ability as abounding users as possible, who accept too little allurement to accomplish use of the latest accouterments or software appearance alone accessible on a abate allotment of devices.[201] However, OpenSignal, who develops both Android and iOS apps, assured that although breach can accomplish development trickier, Android's added all-around ability aswell increases the abeyant reward.[200]


The first-generation Nexus 7 tablet

Despite its success on smartphones, initially Android book acceptance was slow.[202] One of the capital causes was the craven or the egg bearings area consumers were afraid to buy an Android book due to a abridgement of top superior book apps, but developers were afraid to absorb time and assets developing book apps until there was a cogent bazaar for them.[203][204] The agreeable and app "ecosystem" accepted added important than accouterments specs as the affairs point for tablets. Due to the abridgement of Android tablet-specific apps in 2011, aboriginal Android tablets had to accomplish do with absolute smartphone apps that were ill-fitted to beyond awning sizes, admitting the ascendancy of Apple's iPad was able by the ample amount of tablet-specific iOS apps.[204][205]

Despite app abutment in its infancy, a ample amount of Android tablets (alongside those application added operating systems, such as the HP TouchPad and BlackBerry PlayBook) were rushed out to bazaar in an attack to capitalize on the success of the iPad.[204] InfoWorld has appropriate that some Android manufacturers initially advised their aboriginal tablets as a "Frankenphone business", a concise low-investment befalling by agreement a smartphone-optimized Android OS (before Android 3.0 Honeycomb for tablets was available) on a accessory while apathy user interface. This approach, such as with the Dell Streak, bootless to accretion bazaar absorption with consumers as able-bodied as damaging the aboriginal acceptability of Android tablets.[206][207] Furthermore, several Android tablets such as the Motorola Xoom were priced the aforementioned or college than the iPad, which aching sales. An barring was the Amazon Kindle Fire, which relied aloft lower appraisement as able-bodied as admission to Amazon's ecosystem of apps and content.[204][208]

This began to change in 2012 with the absolution of the affordable Nexus 7 and a advance by Google for developers to address bigger book apps.[209] According to International Abstracts Corporation, shipments of Android-powered tablets surpassed iPad's in Q3 2012.[210]

Market share

Main article: Adaptable operating arrangement В§ Bazaar share

Research aggregation Canalys estimated in the additional division of 2009 that Android had a 2.8% allotment of common smartphone shipments.[211] By the fourth division of 2010 this had developed to 33% of the market, acceptable the top-selling smartphone platform,[212] overtaking Symbian.[213] By the third division of 2011 Gartner estimated that added than bisected (52.5%) of the smartphone sales belonged to Android.[214] By the third division of 2012 Android had a 75% allotment of the all-around smartphone bazaar according to the analysis close IDC.[215]

In July 2011, Google said that 550,000 new Android accessories were getting activated every day,[216] up from 400,000 per day in May,[217] and added than 100 actor accessories had been activated[218] with 4.4% advance per week.[216] In September 2012, 500 actor accessories had been activated with 1.3 actor activations per day.[219][220] In May 2013, at Google I/O, Sundar Pichai appear that 900 actor Android accessories had been activated.[221]

Android bazaar allotment varies by location. In July 2012, "mobile subscribers age-old 13+" in the United States application Android were up to 52%,[222] and rose to 90% in China.[223] During the third division of 2012, Android's common smartphone addition bazaar allotment was 75%,[215] with 750 actor accessories activated in total. In April 2013 Android had 1.5 actor activations per day.[220] As of May 2013, 48 billion apps accept been installed from the Google Play store,[68] and by September 2013, 1 billion Android accessories accept been activated.[224]

Android has the better installed abject of any adaptable OS and as of 2013, its accessories aswell advertise added than Windows, iOS and Mac OS accessories combined.[14][15][16][17] In the third division of 2013, Android's allotment of the all-around smartphone addition bazaar was 81.3%, the accomplished ever.[225] As of July 2013 the Google Play abundance has had over 1 actor Android apps published, and over 50 billion apps downloaded.[18] A developer analysis conducted in April–May 2013 begin that Android is acclimated by 71% of adaptable developers.[19] The operating system's success has fabricated it a ambition for apparent action as allotment of the alleged "smartphone wars" amid technology companies.[25][26]

Android accessories annual for added than bisected of smartphone sales in a lot of markets, including the US.[226] In the third division of 2013, Android's allotment of the all-around smartphone addition market—led by Samsung products—was 81.3%;[225][227][228] During this time aeon over 261 actor smartphones were awash globally, with about 211 actor of those active Android,[227] thereby outselling Windows, iOS and Mac OS accessories combined.[16]

Platform usage

Circle frame.svg

KitKat (17.9%)

Jelly Bean (56.5%)

Ice Cream Sandwich (11.4%)

Gingerbread (13.5%)

Froyo (0.7%)

The table beneath provides a breakdown of Android versions. This is based on accessories accessing Play Abundance as of July 7, 2014,[229] and accordingly it excludes Android derivatives that do not admission Google Play (for example, Amazon's crumbling book bazaar allotment from 14.4% of the Android-tablets in 2012 to 7.7% in 2013 (9.8% for both years combined)[230] while it had none of the abundant bigger smartphone market).

Version Code name Release date API akin Distribution

4.4 KitKat October 31, 2013 19 17.9%

4.3 Jelly Bean July 24, 2013 18 9.0%

4.2.x November 13, 2012 17 19.7%

4.1.x July 9, 2012 16 27.8%

4.0.3–4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich December 16, 2011 15 11.4%

2.3.3–2.3.7 Gingerbread February 9, 2011 10 13.5%

2.2 Froyo May 20, 2010 8 0.7%

Note: The aloft gives an inaccurate administration of APIs. E.g. advice from the Amazon Appstore would alone appearance a subset of the APIs/versions aloft - those acclimated by Amazon's tablets.

Application piracy

There has been some affair about the affluence with which paid Android apps can be pirated.[231] In a May 2012 account with Eurogamer, the developers of Football Manager declared that the arrangement of pirated players vs accepted players was 9:1 for their bold Football Manager Handheld.[232] However, not every developer agreed that piracy ante were an issue; for example, in July 2012 the developers of the bold Wind-up Knight said that piracy levels of their bold were alone 12%, and a lot of of the piracy came from China, area humans cannot acquirement apps from Google Play.[233]

In 2010, Google appear a apparatus for acceptance accustomed purchases for use aural apps, but developers complained that this was bereft and atomic to crack. Google responded that the tool, abnormally its antecedent release, was advised as a sample framework for developers to adapt and body aloft depending on their needs, not as a accomplished piracy solution.[234] In 2012 Google appear a affection in Android 4.1 that encrypted paid applications so that they would alone plan on the accessory on which they were originally installed from the Google Play Store, but this affection has been briefly deactivated due to abstruse issues.[235]

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