Wednesday 13 August 2014


Notifications are accessed by sliding from the top of the display; alone notifications can be absolved by sliding them away, and may accommodate added functions (such as on the "missed call" notification apparent here).

Android's absence user interface is based on absolute manipulation,[51] appliance blow inputs, that about accord to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and about-face avidity to dispense on-screen objects, and a basic keyboard.[51] The acknowledgment to user ascribe is advised to be actual and provides a aqueous blow interface, about appliance the beating capabilities of the accessory to accommodate haptic acknowledgment to the user. Internal accouterments such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and adjacency sensors[52] are acclimated by some applications to acknowledge to added user actions, for archetype adjusting the awning from account to mural depending on how the accessory is oriented, or acceptance the user to beacon a car in a antagonism bold by alternating the device, assuming ascendancy of a council wheel.[53]

Android accessories cossack to the homescreen, the primary aeronautics and advice point on the device, which is agnate to the desktop activate on PCs. Android homescreens are about fabricated up of app icons and widgets; app icons barrage the associated app, admitting widgets affectation live, auto-updating agreeable such as the acclimate forecast, the user's email inbox, or a account ticker anon on the homescreen.[54] A homescreen may be fabricated up of several pages that the user can bash aback and alternating between, admitting Android's homescreen interface is heavily customisable, acceptance the user to acclimatize the attending and feel of the accessory to their tastes.[55] Third-party apps accessible on Google Play and added app food can abundantly re-theme the homescreen, and even actor the attending of added operating systems, such as Windows Phone.[56] Most manufacturers, and some wireless carriers, customise the attending and feel of their Android accessories to differentiate themselves from their competitors.[57]

Present forth the top of the awning is a cachet bar, assuming advice about the accessory and its connectivity. This cachet bar can be "pulled" down to acknowledge a notification awning area apps affectation important advice or updates, such as a anew accustomed email or SMS text, in a way that does not anon arrest or aggravation the user.[58] Notifications are assiduous until apprehend (by tapping, which opens the accordant app) or absolved by sliding it off the screen. Beginning on Android 4.1, "expanded notifications" can affectation broadcast data or added functionality; for instance, a music amateur can affectation playback controls, and a "missed call" notification provides buttons for calling aback or sending the addition an SMS message.[59]

Android provides the adeptness to run applications which change the absence launcher and appropriately the actualization and evidently arresting behaviour of Android. These actualization changes cover a multi-page berth or no dock, and abounding added changes to axiological appearance of the user interface.[60]


See also: Android software development and Google Play

Android has a growing alternative of third affair applications, which can be acquired by users either through an app abundance such as Google Play or the Amazon Appstore, or by downloading and installing the application's APK book from a third-party site.[61] Google Play Abundance allows users to browse, download and amend applications appear by Google and third-party developers, and the Play Abundance applicant appliance is pre-installed on accessories that accede with Google's affinity requirements and authorization the Google Adaptable Services software.[62][63] The applicant appliance filters the account of accessible applications down to those accordant with the user's device, and developers may bind their applications to accurate carriers or countries for business reasons.[64] Purchases of exceptionable applications can be refunded aural 15 account of the time of download,[65] and some carriers action absolute carrier announcement for Google Play appliance purchases, area the amount of the appliance is added to the user's account bill.[66]

As of July 2013, there are added than one actor applications accessible for Android in Play Store.[67] As of May 2013, 48 billion apps accept been installed from Google Play store[68] and in July 2013, 50 billion apps were installed.[69]

Applications ("apps"), that extend the functionality of devices, are developed primarily in the Java programming language[70] appliance the Android software development kit (SDK). The SDK includes a absolute set of development tools,[71] including a debugger, software libraries, a handset adversary based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. The clearly accurate chip development ambiance (IDE) is Eclipse appliance the Android Development Accoutrement (ADT) plugin. Added development accoutrement are available, including a Built-in Development Kit for applications or extensions in C or C++, Google App Inventor, a beheld ambiance for amateur programmers, and assorted cantankerous belvedere adaptable web applications frameworks.

It was appear in January 2014 that Chrome HTML5 web applications should become available, appliance a affinity band from the accessible antecedent Apache Cordova framework to acquiesce such applications to be captivated in a built-in appliance shell, enabling their administration over Google Play.[72]

Memory management

Since Android accessories are usually battery-powered, Android is advised to administer anamnesis (RAM) to accumulate ability burning at a minimum, in adverse to desktop operating systems which about accept they are affiliated to absolute mains electricity. If an Android app is no best in use, the arrangement will automatically append it in anamnesis – while the app is still technically "open", abeyant apps absorb no assets (for example, array ability or processing power) and sit idly in the accomplishments until bare again. This has the bifold account of accretion the accepted admiration of Android devices, back applications do not charge to be bankrupt and reopened from blemish anniversary time, and aswell ensuring that accomplishments applications do not absorb ability needlessly.[73][74]

Android manages the apps stored in anamnesis automatically: if anamnesis is low, the arrangement will activate killing apps and processes that accept been abeyant for a while, in about-face adjustment back they were endure acclimated (oldest first). This action is advised to be airy to the user, such that users do not charge to administer anamnesis or the killing of apps themselves.[75][76] However, abashing over Android anamnesis administration has resulted in third-party assignment killers acceptable accepted on Google Play store; these third-party assignment killers are about admired as accomplishing added abuse than good

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